Saturday, 24 April 2010

Induction at Herne Hill Velodrome

After somehow managing to navigate my way through the backroads of Streatham and then Tulse Hill, I ended up here at London's only outdoor Velodrome..

I'd come here today as it was Induction day, which without having undertaken you can't race on the track. About 30 of us all turned up and then filled in a form, got given a coloured band (which I'm still not sure why) and then those without fixed-wheel track bikes (like me) were then sized up and given one to be used for the session.

The size of the track is actually pretty small, but it's smooth and banked which together = high speed capability.. I witnessed a proper training session before we all took to the track, and I thought these guys were fast, but only until I actually rode on the track did I realise how fast they must have been going!..

Having never ridden on a fixed-wheel bike (which takes some getting used to in itself) I managed to adjust to it pretty quick and learnt how to track ride, carefully. There were a couple in my group who when I was paired up with (in 4's and then sprint, lead, drop to the back etc) who did go a bit too fast for my liking - and riding on the bars, around the banks my heart did race a bit.

But, it was both at the same time exhilarating and apart from one or two hairy moments I had a great time. The hours just whizzed past (I arrived at 11:30am and left at about 2pm).

Looking forward to going back next week and doing a bit more circuit training. Below is a video of the instructor giving us the overview, next week should have one of me racing..

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