Wednesday, 26 May 2010

A Very Belated Update!

My apologies to all who may have looked here in the last few weeks and noticed not a single update - I've been exceptionally busy and rudely have ignored posting anything on the blog. However, after this short whirlwind of quite annoying stuff, here I am, and back with a bang!

What I've been up I hear you ask? Well, for starters I was off scoping out the territory were headed to on the 8th September 2010, that is Paris, a short birthday break from the smog here in London. And what a lovely trip it was. Having never been me and my partner Jada whizzed around the whole capital (including Versailles) in just 4 short days, taking in all the sites. I don't think we stopped to breathe in all that time. I'm very much excited about going back and can't wait to do so.

After getting back I've been up to my eyeballs with work, and having caught up I'm now looking forward to one of the regular wine tastings I host in cheese shop in Kensington. The groups called TWERPS (yes I know that sounds silly, but there's real meaning behind the name!) and it occurs roughly every month. Everyone brings a bottle of wine (or two) within budget (under £30) to suit the theme, and a group of us (no more than 14 fellow wine enthusiasts) sip and discuss and enjoy the wines and each others company. All organised on a forum with many of us meeting each other for the first time. It's great fun, and something I look forward to each month.

As from now on in until september, everyone who attends the tasting is required to donate at least £10 to the donation page in aid of our sponsored bike ride. I think this is a great way of raising extra money on top canvassing friends, family, work colleagues and members of the public. It all counts, and the total on the page is creeping up. (We're now at £1340, but there's donations pledged toward the jerseys raised and one or two functions happening later in the year aimed at raising money all with significant sums contributed. So in theory the total is about £4ooo, which isn't bad going I think).

Still though, there's lots more time to raise, and I hope through the continuation of this blog, you and whoever else may read this, can find the time to make a donation to our donation page, however big or small - remember, every penny counts and will make a huge difference.

Jerseys are still in the order stages and there's lots more to come. Still cycling away, and doing a bit of training in my spare time, but having been away and with so much to catch up, including this blog, it's been a sporadic. But, that's all going to change now - I'm back on the bandwagon!

Thanks for reading.


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