Thursday, 24 June 2010

Jerseys, training update, new website coming soon..

It's been a while since my last post, possibly perhaps down to the world cup, possibly down to just having so much on I really haven't found a meaningful reason to post an update. But there's been quite a few events of late, so here goes...

The cycling jerseys we were going to use and sell a bulk on are now not going to happen. This is due to a number of reasons mainly that they were expensive to produce (approx £40 each) and there was a concern that the money being outlayed to produce a large (minimum) order, wouldn't be recouped. There was a fair take-up through contacting friends and colleagues, but we just didn't have a large enough number to justify the order..

However, instead we'll be offering T-shirts as:

A) They're much easier to produce, and
B) The same profit margin can be made on them as with the jerseys (with all proceeds of sale going back to the charity), and
C) I think more numbers will be ordered, considering the lower cost of the item and also because they're not a technical item of clothing.

More on this to follow shortly (I promise!) but if you're reading this and you're interested, the t-shirts will roughly be about £20 each, and will be yellow with the logo attached to them, that's the Pebbles Project logo you see in the top right hand corner of this page - so signal your interest here, or contact

An update on training, well, I've been doing my usual cyling to work, and upping my speed, my fitness has definitely improved as a result, but still I'm well off the pace.. I've mapped out a new cycle training route pictured below, this will be a circuit I will cycle once every weekend morning, for the next month or so, to get my fitness up. As it gets nearer the time (only 75 days away now!) I'll be doing the circuit twice round, as well as mixing it up a bit.

Good 'ol Ray has already been bombing it up and down disused railway lines up in the peaks where he lives, and even managing to fit in a bit of heavy road cycling (28.5 miles in 1 hour 37 minutes) - well done Ray!

Me and Guy should be getting together sometime in the next couple of weeks to have a cycling session, an update on that to follow. Then we should also be heading up to the peaks to Ray's and do a day's cycling up there which should be real test, being hilly and quite windy, which I hate btw!

This blog is driving me mad, it's really basic and you're pretty limited to what you can do with it. A friend who's a bit of a computer whizz (seriously, a great IT consultant and web designer, can be found here) has kindly offered to host and offical website as opposed to a blog (he's also registered the domain for us, which directs here to this blog) - this will happen within the next couple of weeks, and it should be a bit swisher looking that this current site.

Thanks for the continued support, and keep it up!..

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

A Very Belated Update!

My apologies to all who may have looked here in the last few weeks and noticed not a single update - I've been exceptionally busy and rudely have ignored posting anything on the blog. However, after this short whirlwind of quite annoying stuff, here I am, and back with a bang!

What I've been up I hear you ask? Well, for starters I was off scoping out the territory were headed to on the 8th September 2010, that is Paris, a short birthday break from the smog here in London. And what a lovely trip it was. Having never been me and my partner Jada whizzed around the whole capital (including Versailles) in just 4 short days, taking in all the sites. I don't think we stopped to breathe in all that time. I'm very much excited about going back and can't wait to do so.

After getting back I've been up to my eyeballs with work, and having caught up I'm now looking forward to one of the regular wine tastings I host in cheese shop in Kensington. The groups called TWERPS (yes I know that sounds silly, but there's real meaning behind the name!) and it occurs roughly every month. Everyone brings a bottle of wine (or two) within budget (under £30) to suit the theme, and a group of us (no more than 14 fellow wine enthusiasts) sip and discuss and enjoy the wines and each others company. All organised on a forum with many of us meeting each other for the first time. It's great fun, and something I look forward to each month.

As from now on in until september, everyone who attends the tasting is required to donate at least £10 to the donation page in aid of our sponsored bike ride. I think this is a great way of raising extra money on top canvassing friends, family, work colleagues and members of the public. It all counts, and the total on the page is creeping up. (We're now at £1340, but there's donations pledged toward the jerseys raised and one or two functions happening later in the year aimed at raising money all with significant sums contributed. So in theory the total is about £4ooo, which isn't bad going I think).

Still though, there's lots more time to raise, and I hope through the continuation of this blog, you and whoever else may read this, can find the time to make a donation to our donation page, however big or small - remember, every penny counts and will make a huge difference.

Jerseys are still in the order stages and there's lots more to come. Still cycling away, and doing a bit of training in my spare time, but having been away and with so much to catch up, including this blog, it's been a sporadic. But, that's all going to change now - I'm back on the bandwagon!

Thanks for reading.


Saturday, 1 May 2010

Jersey Design

After working on the design for the past few weeks, I've received the mock design, pictured below. I think it's great and the colours have come out a lot better than I anticipated - a lot more vibrant and the detail is pretty nice I must say..

A closer shot of the front of the jersey:

And this is the back:

These will the team's jerseys for the bike ride to Paris, and the remainder from the order will be sold with all proceeds of sale going to the charity.

There's a few things that need improving first before the order is placed but for the time being we're taking pre-orders for the 50 jerseys that will be available. It's worth mentioning that these are top-of-the-range professional cycling jerseys, made from polyester based tight fitting fabric with an athletic narrow cut.

So if you want one, (it'll cost roughly £50) sign-up here by stating how many you want and what size (small, medium, large, x-large)..

Here's some info below to help with your sizing up:


Small = 32.3 - 35.4 inches -or- 82-90 CM's.

Medium = 35.4 - 38.6 inches -or- 90-98 CM's.

Large = 38.6 - 41.7 inches -or- 98-106 CM's.

X-Large = 41.7 - 44.9 inches -or- 106-114 CM's.

XX-Large = 44.9 - 46.5 inches -or- 114-118 CM's.

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Induction at Herne Hill Velodrome

After somehow managing to navigate my way through the backroads of Streatham and then Tulse Hill, I ended up here at London's only outdoor Velodrome..

I'd come here today as it was Induction day, which without having undertaken you can't race on the track. About 30 of us all turned up and then filled in a form, got given a coloured band (which I'm still not sure why) and then those without fixed-wheel track bikes (like me) were then sized up and given one to be used for the session.

The size of the track is actually pretty small, but it's smooth and banked which together = high speed capability.. I witnessed a proper training session before we all took to the track, and I thought these guys were fast, but only until I actually rode on the track did I realise how fast they must have been going!..

Having never ridden on a fixed-wheel bike (which takes some getting used to in itself) I managed to adjust to it pretty quick and learnt how to track ride, carefully. There were a couple in my group who when I was paired up with (in 4's and then sprint, lead, drop to the back etc) who did go a bit too fast for my liking - and riding on the bars, around the banks my heart did race a bit.

But, it was both at the same time exhilarating and apart from one or two hairy moments I had a great time. The hours just whizzed past (I arrived at 11:30am and left at about 2pm).

Looking forward to going back next week and doing a bit more circuit training. Below is a video of the instructor giving us the overview, next week should have one of me racing..

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

What a lovely day!

After making much progress on the Jersey designs today and feeling quite pleased with myself after a good days work, cycling back with my camera through Clapham on my normal route I stopped at the common to take this picture.

Recently I've been working late, and when I've cycled past at about 7/8pm or so, the sunset over the pond has been just amazing!..

This doesn't really do it that much justice, but it's a wonderful reminder of the world I'm so lucky to live in, and is a far cry from those children's lives who without the support of Pebbles wouldn't be so enjoyable...

Keep up the donations all, please!!!...

Working with Designers

Over the last few weeks I've been working with a design company to come up with our Pebbles Jerseys, over the last couple of days it's been pretty frantic!..

I'm close to agreeing a design, but I must get it finalised today, so that a proof can be printed (in Germany) and shipped over here in time for Wednesday to finalise any areas that need improving.

It's worth mentioning the designers have been really hands-on and no change has been a problem, or slow for that matter. Really very impressed with them.

It's looking pretty good I must say - a gold/yellow check pattern, with black and white trim. Some examples to follow but keep those eyes for the design within the next few days/weeks.

Rememeber, we''ll be making 50 or so, which will be availble for sale for roughly £40-£50 (all proceeds to go to our donation page) - if you're interested, post here or email me at



Friday, 16 April 2010

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Our first bit of press!!!

I have been overcome with excitment and adrenelin! I've just opened a copy of today's Southwark News, scrolled to page 13 - and there I am with a news article all about our bike ride to paris for Pebbles!..

Quite an achievement I think. Mum doesn't know yet, have posted her a copy first class. She'll have a fit I reckon when she sees it!...

A copy of article will appear online shortly, will a post a link within the next day or so. In the meantime, here's the article scanned and uploaded for you all to read!!...

If you've reached this page following reading the article then thanks for taking the time to have a look - bookmark this page, follow our campagin and donate to our Just Giving page. Your donation will make a HUGE difference.

Bradley Wiggins, watch out!...

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Jersey Hunting!

I've been tasked with getting an official Jersey made for the ride (which of course will then be sold with all proceeds going to our donation page), and I've just received a sample jersey - yey!

Trying it on, it's a little tight and short at the bottom and arms - I'm not sure if it's meant to fit like this (my partner upon seeing it immediately said it's too small), and after assuming an arms-forward cycling position, it rides up at the back - so it's got to be too small.

And I don't like the fit around the collar - it's sticking out and doesn't fit well around that whole area.

On the label it's a size 4 and according to the manufacturer it's a Large (!) - so I reckon I'd be about a size 5? (Extra-Large)...

Here's a picture of the fit, tell me what you think!..

The fabric is called CoolMax and is highly breathable, not waterproof, but very quick drying. It's stretchy and fits quite snug to one's skin. Any logo's or colouring is done through Sublimation which is a process where dye is heated until it becomes gaseous, and the gaseous dye then penetrates the fibers of the garment and solidifies within the fibres when the heat is removed.

The garment should in theory never fade, though I'm not sure that's all true!..

Here's a close-up of the fabric, on the left is the outer side, the sort of black-looking holes are are vents and run throughout in that pattern, the right side is the inner-side and the thing running down the middle is the zip.

Of course this is just one of a number of samples I'm waiting for, and the design we'll choose will look nothing like this. Will keep you updated on any progress, but for now I'd appreciate any views or comments you have!



Meet Guy!

This is Guy Dennis, who'll be cycling with me and Ray to Paris.

Here we see him stuffing his chops with heaven knows what..

Guy is a bit of a whizz when it comes to fixing bikes you see. So if we break down halfway through the middle of rural French countryside, then we all know who to blame!..

Though, it remains to be seen whether he can actually ride a bike as we haven't officially met up for a cycle, yet. And the last I heard, on his last ride he snapped the crank arm of his bike...

Honestly, you just can't get the staff these days!..

Picture of Ray to follow!...

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

An Introduction

So, this is my blog which will attempt to raise awareness and sponsorship for a sponsored bike ride, from London to Paris for the Pebbles Project through our Just Giving page.

There's three of us that are committed to doing this: Myself, Guy Dennis and Ray Abercromby - we've all come to know each other through a Wine Forum over the last year or so.
The bike ride itself is over 4 days, from the 8th to the 12th of September 2010, covering 300 miles approx in total: that's on average 75 miles a day (Aaargh!).

Our aim is to raise £10,000 in total sponsorship for Pebbles.

To tell you a little more about the charity, Pebbles Project is a wonderful yet small charity that offers support to children with special educational needs, particularly those whose lives are affected by alcohol in some way, in the Western Cape of South Africa. They help improve the lives of these children and families by providing activities for the kids such as dance and drama, music classes - all the things we can take for granted.. Teacher training, resources such as school equipment and buildings and whole lot more of such wonderful work. Pebbles is run solely on donations and today supports over 500 children, a number which continues to grow.

And this is where you come in: We need your donations!!
Donate by clicking on the above link, or by clicking on the Just Giving icon displayed permanently on the right-hand side of this page.
This is going to be a huge commitment from all of us involved here, and so I'll be posting regular updates on how our training is going and on any news - i.e. we'll each be actively publicising this event in every possible way you can think of (newspapers, local radio, websites etc. - you name it, they'll be contacted) and will update on anything that I feel should be included.

You can get involved too! Tell friends, family, work colleagues, your neighbours whoever - to join in and support us!
But let's get one thing straight - the ultimate aim of this blog is raise sponsorship and awareness for the Pebbles Project, so please, if my blog or a particular post has touched you in anyway, the best possible thing you can do is donate to our Just Giving page.

So, again welcome to our blog - and I hope you contribute to the cause, get involved in any way possible, and support us (but more so Pebbles) in every way you can.

And remember, every little counts...